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New Educational DVD by Irene Malizia Based on Her Book "Colori e Multiforme", Publ. by Doblinger

Irene Malizia, JAM and AMP lecturer as well as AMP Study Advisor for Classical Music & Music Theater, releases an educational DVD about composing for educational purposes.

“Colori e Multiforme” is the name of Irene’s latest project. The idea started with the publication of the above mentioned book ( containing five pieces for solo violin, of increasing difficulty, with special violin technique explanations and preparatory exercises, and ended with this educational DVD (

These complete works represent the whole compositional and pedagogical process, going from the creation of the compositions to their video-live-performances, by pupils and students. In the DVD included are practical examples about experimental composition as well as lessons, exercises and explanations about the most common used contemporary violin techniques. Interviews and discussions between composer, teacher and players are also available.

The book and the DVD are both available at Doblinger as well as at Variando musica.


Authored on July 14th, 2020