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AMP Alumni Jakob Wirnsperger & Shireen Nicolic casted for "NEXT TO NORMAL - FAST NORMAL"

AMP graduates Jakob Wirnsperger & Shireen Nicolic take on the roles of "Henry" and "Natalie" in the musical "NEXT TO NORMAL - FAST NORMAL".

This rock musical is about a mother struggling with a bipolar disorder and the effect this disease has on her family. Playing in a suburban milieu, the piece also tackles other complex themes such as grief, suicide, drug abuse and the contradictions between ethics and psychiatry.

FAST NORMAL (NEXT TO NORMAL) was an extraordinary success in the USA and was nominated for eleven Tony Awards, received several critics' awards and the Pulitzer Prize 2010 (which is very rarely awarded to a musical production). Since its premiere (Fürth 2013) the musical has been performed in German in Linz, Hildesheim, Lüneburg, Berlin, Munich, Baden-Baden and Dortmund.


November 2020:

Donnerstag, 05.11.2020, 19:30 Uhr

Kulturverein DEMASKIERT


Authored on July 8th, 2020