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Chopin Academy in Vienna - piano master classes

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Mo, Juli 10, 2023 | 10:00
Musikquartier, Mariahilferstr. 51, 1070, 1. Stock


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Location & Infopoint: Mariahilferstr. 51, 1070, 1. Stock 

JULY 10-14, 2023

A cooperation of Musik21 Conservatory, the Chopin Society of Atlanta and Friedrich Gulda School of Music Vienna.

Piano master classes with renowned international pianists and educators:

Paul Gulda

Friedrich Gulda School of Music

Franz Zettl

Friedrich Gulda School of Music

Roman Zaslavsky

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Robert Lehrbaumer

Friedrich Gulda School of Music

Monika Herzig

Friedrich Gulda School of Music

Roberto Plano

Friedrich Gulda School of Music

John Dodson

Mindfulness for performers

Piotr Folkert

Musik21 Conservatory

Chopin Society of Atlanta

Ivan Buffa 

Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava

Information on registration and attendance modalities will follow shortly here.


