4th Conference of the International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz (INARJ)

Guglgasse 8
1110 Wien
Announcement of the 4th Conference of the International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz (INARJ)
Communities of Practice
October 3-5, 2024, Jam Music Lab University, Vienna, Austria
The International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz (INARJ) was founded in 2019 in response to the increasing relevance of artistic perspectives in the academic discourses of jazz research. INARJ organizes regular symposia as a platform for knowledge exchange and connection between artistic jazz researchers worldwide. The specific focus of the fourth conference is on artistic research and communities of practice. The conference coincides with the publication of the journal for artistic research in jazz (ARJAZZ) as part of the research catalog. The journal is managed by a consortium of universities and an INARJ initiative. Conference papers can be submitted for the second issue of ARJAZZ, the publication of which depends on the results of the peer review.
The International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz (INARJ) invites proposals for the fourth conference to be held at the Jam Music Lab University in Vienna from October 3-5, 2024. The conference is dedicated to the theme "Communities of Practice" and explores artistic research in the context of geographical communities, placemaking, networks within and beyond jazz, pedagogical communities, social communities and marginalized groups, and economic and business communities.
Conference topics
Conference sessions will cover topics including:
- Geographic Communities and Placemaking: integrating arts, culture and design to promote local economies and social change.
- Networks within and beyond jazz: Documenting and analyzing networks and their impact on the jazz community.
- Educational Communities: New models and practices of jazz pedagogy, improvisation and teacher training.
- Social communities and marginalized groups: The role of jazz as a catalyst for social and political change.
- Economic communities and artistic teams: Adaptations of artistic practices to the changing music industry and economic stability.
Submission of proposals
Interested parties are asked to send their abstracts (approx. 200 words) to conference@artisticjazzresearch.com by July 5, 2024. Submissions should include a short biography (max. 150 words) and an indication of the presentation format (lecture, performance project or open format).
Further information
The conference will be held in both face-to-face and hybrid formats, with in-person attendance recommended for more effective participation in discussions and projects. The event coincides with the launch of the new journal "Artistic Research in Jazz" (ARJAZZ). For more information, visit artisticjazzresearch.com.
Conference organizers
- Michael Kahr (JAM MUSIC LAB Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna / University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
- Monika Herzig (JAM MUSIC LAB Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna)
- Andrew Bain (Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff UK)
- Mike Fletcher (Royal Birmingham Conservatoire)
- Matthias Heyman (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel / Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
For further questions please contact monika.herzig@jammusiclab.com.